
Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful. - Psalm 147

The Chanter (Psaltos) is the first rank in the Coptic Orthodox deaconship. This role is dedicated to leading and maintaining the sacred hymns and melodies of the Church, ensuring that each service resonates with the ancient and holy chants passed down through generations. The Chanter's responsibility is not only to sing but to lead the congregation in worship through these hymns, fostering a spiritual atmosphere that prepares the hearts of the faithful for prayer and worship. This position lays a foundation for spiritual discipline and commitment within the Church, as it requires both a devoted heart and a trained voice to fulfill its duties.

The Seraphim

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The seraphim is an exalted order of angelic beings, depicted in the Scriptures as having six wings and as beings closest to God's throne, praising God at all times. Their name, derived from the Hebrew root "saraph," means "burning," symbolizing their intense, fiery love and purity in the presence of God. The primary role of the seraphim is to lead heavenly worship, chanting, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory” (Isaiah 6:3). Pope Shenouda III explains that angels, including the seraphim, were created as "souls of light" and are dedicated to God’s service, which in the case of the seraphim, manifests through their continual adoration and proclamation of His sanctity​​.

New Chanter Registration

To register your child to become a Psaltos(chanter), please reach out to:

Mark Mansour: (321) 437-2339